While homeowners of traditional single family homes are required to carry home insurance, often people don’t think to obtain manufactured home insurance unless the financial institution forces them to purchase it. Reasons vary from cost to necessity, but none of these reasons are good enough to justify the omission of manufactured home insurance. Just like a traditional single family residence, many things in life can take a toll on your home. From natural disasters to accidental fires, you will want your manufactured home to be covered by home insurance.
While there are companies that specialize in insurance for manufactured homes, there is no reason you have to choose one of those. You can talk to your current insurance company and ask them to quote a price. In all likelihood you will be pleasantly surprised at the low cost of manufactured home insurance. Because your manufactured home is likely worth less than traditional structures, you can enjoy affordable rates on manufactured home insurance in most cases!
Like homeowner’s insurance, manufactured home insurance covers not only fire but also theft and vandalism. Whether you live in a home made of brick or aluminum, it is still your home and you want to protect it from damage or at least insure it so you can pay for any damage that does occur without going into debt. Disasters can cost you thousands of dollars and completely devastate your lifestyle if you’re not insured. Talk to your own insurance company before you obtain quotes for any other providers of manufactured home insurance.