When you are looking for a manufactured home community there are several things you need to consider. While price is certainly an important aspect, it is more important to look at the amenities that are part of the price structure.
If you have children, you want to know if there is a playground or other area where your children can play. Other things you will want to consider include the type of heating, water service, parking, trash removal and the overall safety and security of the community.
While you can certainly expect to pay for your own heat, water service and trash removal, the key is the cost that will be passed along to those in the community. However, safety and security are essential. You don’t want to move into a community and have to worry about the safety of your children, your belongings and your own personal safety.
Another important factor in choosing a manufactured home community is its proximity to shopping, doctors, churches, schools and access to roads. This is especially important for those who may need to rely on public transportation either because they don’t drive or do not have access to a car.
You want to make sure the community you choose will allow you to comfortably reach all of the places you need to reach without having to rely on other people to drive you there.
The amount of land that comes as part of your residency in the manufactured home community is also important. You don’t want to be able to look out your window and see directly into your neighbor’s home.
Or worse yet, hear them when your windows are open even when they are only speaking in a normal tone of voice. You want to choose a community where you will be able to enjoy sitting outdoors without having to worry about what other people are doing and having to keep your curtains or blinds closed so your next door neighbors cannot see into your home because of the close proximity of your homes to each other.